Chinese imperialism and future Australian sovereignty

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Tannin wrote:
5 from the wing on debut wrote:How do you suggest that we engage with China in relation to the current tariffs being applied to Australian products, when they refuse to respond at all?
We need to transition away from the China-facing economy. Yes, that means change and some hardship. But we are going to get both of those things anyway, much, much better to decide for ourselves (for example) that we will de-emphasise Chinese students as a cash cow for the "education" industry; that we will slow down on iron ore exports to China; that we will go full-steam-ahead on rare earth refining; that our agricultural focus will be redirected to export to many different places (not just bloody China every time) and sell much more to our domestic market.

As a nation, we need to kick the China habit.
Agree 100% with this.

They have NZ running scared for exactly this reason. They are so dependant on China and they've seen what the bastards have tried to do here.

I'm not a fan of crayfish so I left that part out, even though I do think it's a tad irrational. Maybe buy some while it's cheap and remind them that if they get the export markets going again it would be smart to keep some cheap ones aside for home.
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Post by Tannin »

Ahem .. who is this "you" in the otherwise to-the-point screed above? It certainly ain't me!
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Pies4shaw wrote:
“I even went as far as becoming a Southern Baptist until I realised they didn’t keep ‘em under long enough” Kinky Friedman
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Post by pietillidie »

^It's been a yes from me for 20 years.

The benefits accompanying two decades of Asian growth have been pi$$ed down the drain by Glib-led short-termist hacks and cons who need to be held accountable and removed from decision-making positions for good. Once the mining dollars started rolling in, no one bothered to do a damn thing at any serious scale in both domestic economic policy and regional international relations.

Mining money and a lazy clinging to US coat tails in Asia (including following two completely deranged Republican administrations into utter chaos and absurdity) kept social media busy while the Glibs did nothing but wreck any policy aimed at broadening domestic economic opportunity, from crippling the NBN and mining windfall tax, to crippling green energy technology and climate-driven capital, and talking down science and technology at every point and turn.

China hysteria is their latest PR front for retaining decision-making authority after two decades of fecklessness and grubby mutual palm greasing. Make no mistake; the more you focus on China hysteria, the more you support the very same grubby creeps who will never in a million years do anything positive for the Australian economy. Never have done, therefore never ever will do. Next, they'll jump from cheap mining dollars and killing off green energy, to setting themselves up as tech and alternative energy tollgates. They're corrupt parasites who don't know what a proper competitive economy looks like; they're government contract and corporate handout grifters by trade.

The Glibs are grubby rock apes; the ALP are beige nobodies stuck in the post-Marxian 1970s; the electorate has been groomed by them into becoming short-term handout grabbers, hysterical scapegoaters, Facebook conspiracy nutters, and reality TV/shock jock/Instagram halfwit worshippers. Don't expect any help from people with those credentials.
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Meanwhile China shaping how the world reports about it. ... 57nxy.html
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Post by stui magpie »

Tannin wrote:Ahem .. who is this "you" in the otherwise to-the-point screed above? It certainly ain't me!
I assume it's me, as it's easier and likely more fun to write a piece like that than actually address China's current behaviour.

That's fine, a few years ago I had little visibility of some of this stuff that China was doing, now I do.

Their agenda is now out in the open and I'm all for saying Far Kew to them.
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I don’t buy into the ‘no force can stop China’ mantra; it essentially comes from Xi who must not blamed in one of his speeches and now often repeated by journalists and pundits alike as if they are speaking some kind of profound incontrovertible truth.

I don’t think China will collapse in the same way as the Soviet Union did; but like all communist / authoritarian regimes eventually they reach a point where they can no longer afford to spend the ever increasing amount of resources on regime preservation. The more criticism it gets the more it has to expend on its own survival.

This is an Interesting discussion on China.

Whatever happens next is anyone’s guess but the further you have your interests away from China the better; glad I did it 18 years ago.
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Post by stui magpie »

pietillidie wrote:
stui magpie wrote:
Tannin wrote:Ahem .. who is this "you" in the otherwise to-the-point screed above? It certainly ain't me!
I assume it's me, as it's easier and likely more fun to write a piece like that than actually address China's current behaviour.

That's fine, a few years ago I had little visibility of some of this stuff that China was doing, now I do.

Their agenda is now out in the open and I'm all for saying Far Kew to them.
Little visibility? So, despite clearly being on target to become the largest economy on the planet for decades now, and despite being the central topic of politics, business, economics and international relations for the last 30 years, the rise of China somehow crept up on you? Or did you just assume it would somehow be a passive rule taker, like the Solomon Islands, just scaled massively?
Look, if you're going to keep writing rubbish belting me rather than actually engaging on how China is behaving, that's fine. I'll just suggest that you give yourself a cactus suppository while hitting yourself over the head with a brick and ignore you.

If, on the other hand, you consider how we seem on the path to war, not just sabre rattling and maybe even answer 5FTWOD when he asked how you would deal with China from a diplomatic perspective, I'm happy to discuss things.
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Post by pietillidie »

^There's nothing new to add: the solution is as it's always been, i.e., a new standards-based trade agreement with the sum of forces greater than China. There's nothing else to discuss on the matter. You're not even in the game in its absence, let alone war games.

Biden is the best chance to do this since the TPP, but this opportunity is even better because the TPP had other nasties in it that can be eliminated, and we are that bit wiser now. Biden's even happy to look at proper tax collection from digital multinationals, so you can deal with the tax problem at the same time, which underlies all manner of domestic issues.

The fact you even think you're 'on the path to war' suggests you're dragging yourself down to the level of Aussie shock jock nonsense when you're far smarter than that. You deserve to get belted for it because you refuse to step up, siding with the short-termists on issue after issue going back years. It's as if you fear being called a 'latte sipper' and think the only other option is to consign yourself to Trumpist-level company.

The EU and UK are aligning with the US on this already. I've noticed it just quietly in the news for a few weeks now. Have you been following South Korea, Japan and India on this? They're aligning as expected. (Now would be a good time to build rather than burn bridges with India, but it would take actual leadership beyond a news cycle to do so).

War is inevitable only in the dumbest sense of inevitability, i.e., it's the easiest and most instantly gratifying idea for people to resign themselves to, much like climate change denial or some new world order conspiracy theory. Far more exciting than the long-term business of international development and relations. But we're not always at war, contrary to some people's deep desire for that to be the case.
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Post by stui magpie »

Goodthanks, bye,
Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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