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Post by die4pies »

Some amazing strories here and well worth the read. Thank you to everyone for taking the time.

I will just add that while it is vitally important to each of us where we have come from and how we got here today. It is also great to know that tomorrow will make us even more Collingwood.

Collingwood is something that grows inside us all every year.
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Post by Kwah-LeBaire »

My father was a Polish/Russian refugee who knew nothing about football. In his own way, he tried, though. When we were living at Wangaratta in the late 1950s, he took me to a game involving the Wangaratta Rovers and some other mob. The team was coached by a certain Bob Rose at the time, not that it meant anything to me.

We moved to Shepparton, and in 1964, my father abandoned us. That was a tough year. My mother went back to work and we older children helped with the younger, there being eight all told. That year I worked a morning paper round, delivering The Sun six mornings a week. We used to stand and roll the papers by hand, before heading out. That took a while, so we would read the front cover and the back cover, every day. You know what that means, the back cover of The Sun. Collingwood stories.

That year also, I changed schools and finished up sitting next to Kenny Ellis, the toughest kid in the class. He barracked for Collingwood. He enquired, politely, who I barracked for. There was a short silence, followed by a tiny moment of clarity, in which I suddenly knew I barracked for Collingwood, too.

A 4 point loss to Melbourne that year was my introduction to disappointment.

Then came 1966.

Then came 1970. I remember standing in the backyard, clutching Mum's transistor radio and being ecstatic at half time. In the break I spoke to Mrs Easton, who lived over the road, and experienced intense rudeness from the woman for the only time in all the years I knew her. I hadn't realised she was a Carlton supporter. That was the only time I cried after a game.

Then came 1977.

Then came 1979. I was there for that one.

Then came 1980.

Then came 1981.

Then came 1990. That was relief, pure relief, nothing more.

2010. Sweet.

Meeting Joffa in 2011 was a treat, but the season ending was a letdown.

Why am I Collingwood? Too hard to break the habit, I suppose.
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Post by buzzlightyear »

Some great stories here :lol:

My father came to Australia in 58 and his "Anglo" friends barracked for Richmond, Carlton & Essendon. They said that he needed to choose one of the three. He ignored them and chose Collingwood because he liked the look of the black and white jumpers. So the die was cast and the rivalry amongst his group of friends was set in stone!

My maternal grandparents used to live in Yarra St Abbotsford, and used to love being at their place on Saturday's, seeing all the cars (well before the era of resident permits, parking restrictions) all supporters (almost all) dressed up in black and white. I always thought, the more CFC supporters I saw, the better chance we had at winning. The days when my Dad would park his car in the laneway behind my grandparents home and write on the windscreen, resident of xx Yarra Street, so they didn't book him. And they didn't...

Dad always told me to work my way through the crowd near the fence. Excuse me, excuse me, I used to say a thousand times ducking in and out of the so called 'dry areas', littered with cans, cigarette smoke, esky's, dubious & feral supporters. The occasional fight, yes amongst Collingwood supporters too. One time at the end of a game against Fitzroy which we lost, I (and a few others) were unceremoniously bowled over down the hill in front of the scoreboard by 2 huge drunken guys fighting. Disagreement on tactics & positions I suspect :wink:

Recall going to training pre-1980GF and being told off by Peter Landy for a group of us making too much noise when they made the cross from Dorcas St studios. I thought he was such a knob! I later got to go down to the change rooms, and was able to get a few autographs. It seemed so surreal at the time.

To the first time, I pleaded for my Mum to go to the football alone and she said yes! I was 12. I thought I had gone to heaven! And we won! Beat Nth Melbourne... Great memories of Vic Park, especially before I got my Social club membership and 'graduated' to watching the football from the Bob Rose Stand with my Dad! The rainy day i think in 1985, when James Manson kicked 5 goals and we upset Hawthorn. The game against Sydney where the supporters attacked the umpires, the day Salmon did his knee and heaps of others that many of you would have been and recalled! And not to mention, going to Millane's funeral, wearing my CFC jumper after 1990 to all my uni lectures for the last 2 months, interstate finals trips (2007 to Perth was the best!), walking around Barcelona in 2007 and keeping my phone refreshed as I couldn't believe we lost to Richmond. Of course, Rosa, whom I later me that day, cushioned the blow. But that's another story!

Got my first taste of GF losses in 77, which became a GF tradition when my Mums family would come around and watch the game. I was always perplexed because it was all females and they never took an interest in the football throughout the year. I found that particularly strange behaviour. You can't just simply turn up on GF day and be interested without knowing whats happened the last 6 months! Anyhow..... The devastation of drawing the 77GF, i cried unconsoleably for at least 20 minutes. A bit 'girly' I admit, but hey, I was 7 at the time. Dad went to the game and I couldn't wait for him to tell me/give me some hope for the following week. We went to the Replay the following week, and distinctly recall after losing the lady next to me said that it would be alright and we would be back next year. I was strangely placated by her calm tone!

After the 1981 loss, I didn't want CFC to make the finals anymore. I couldn't take the pain and the disappointment! Bit then after a few lean years, and the ribbing from my school mates, which were almost all Hawthorn supporters, was enough to turn that around very quickly. We had a terrible losing streak to Hawthorn from the mid-80s to the early 90's (gees, whats changed :( ) but we won the 1988 post season exhibition match against them in Canada. I lived off that for a while! World champions I used to tell them! They looked at me, probably with pity.....

I was told by one of my aunties when I was 14, that my love/fanaticism for football & all things Collingwood would wane when I got older. I looked at her like she was from Mars. And on that score, I was right. In fact with SEN, Fox Footy, Nicks, there is a bigger footy fix then ever before. But its game day that is the best. Whatever era, location, players, form, weather, for those 3 hours, winning is everything and it makes the whole weekend better.

I moved to Moonee Ponds a few years ago (not far from Windy Hill), and I recall catching a train back after the 2010 GF win, and the train was full of CFC supporters signing the song and continued as everyone walked off onto the platform and then into the evening. Right in Essendon's back yard. Quite ironic that the three streets that border Essendon train station, are Rose, Russell & Buckley.....Good Collingwood names. Actually great Collingwood names.

Those GF losses in the last 70's and early 80's has been seared into my psyche. Not that 02/03/11 helped. But the era that Carlton & then later Essendon went past us in premierships. I hate that...I need for us to be ahead of them.

Lets hope the 2013 version gives us another year to recall fondly. Floreat Pica
Looking for sweet 16.....
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Post by Blood rule »

I have been reading these stories over the last several days - great holiday reading - and decided to join this forum today to register my appreciation, and also tell my story.

I was born in Abbotsford in 1956, in what was a typical Irish catholic working class family, where my Mum and Nana were Pies supporters, but Dad was from across the border in Richmond, and a Tigers man.

I have no memory of 'starting' to follow Pies, it was just part of my DNA, although none of the women in my family ever went to games at Vic Park, as it was seen as being too 'rough'.

We moved to Port Melbourne (another Irish catholic working class stronghold) in the mid-1960s, and I made friends with a young girl and her aunt who were Pies fans. I went with them to my first game at Vic Park in 1968, as an 11 year old girl (despite my mother's concern for my safety), and was immediately besotted. The rest, as they say, is history.

These days I am an MCC member, and a Legends member at the club, and see most games in Melbourne. If I cant meet up at a match with my usual bunch of Pies friends, I go on my own. I cant keep away, and live in walking distance to the MCG. I was at the 1970, 2002 and 2003 GFs, missed the 1990 flag as I had young children, but was at both 2010 GFs.

Collingwood is an enormous part of my life. I think of the club every day, and supporting this club has enriched my life. I cant think of moving away from Melbourne, as it would take me away from the Pies. When my daughter was planning her wedding in Sydney in 2010, and was contemplating a day in October, I actually asked if it could be mid-October, just in case (this is true). Prescient? Preminition? Nah - we were playing outstanding football and the stars were lining up. The draw and replay of the 1977 GF was still fresh in my mind. I would have hated to be put in the position of having to choose between my daughter's wedding and being at the 'G to watch the Pies playing in the GF. I think my daughter may have been the disappointed one...

To finish, I always feel the love for my fellow Pies fans (the well behaved ones anyway). I am always delighted to meet one for the first time, have an immediate rapport with most of them, and want to reach out and hug them after a great win (which I do!). Right now - 2013 is looking pretty good from here.
jeff corfe

Post by jeff corfe »

Topic started Sun Oct 28, 2001 6:37 pm My god where does the time go ?
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Post by HAL »

Why, specificially?
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Post by jonnymagpie »

i love the diversity of stories here and its been a great off season read.i grew up in perth in the seventies (am 47)and was a mad west perth fan.back then(pre-eagles) everyone had a local team and a vfl team.sunday night was the winners on the abc and i never missed it.it wasnt until i was 12 that i actually decided on a team to barrack for.i had a crush on this girl and i was visiting her on grand final day,the replay loss to north.her entire extended family was camped around the tv yelling for the pies,something about the passion they had attracted me and ive been a fan ever since.i moved to sydney in 1983 and attended quite a few swans games though i never seriuosly considered jumping teams (we were dire at the time).ive never missed a collingwood game in sydney and usually come down to melbourne a few times a year.ive been an member for the last 5 years and my 10 y/o son is a keen fan.highlights for me were been able to come to melbourne for 2 months in 1990 and seeing every finals game.a good friend of mine is the brother of a close friend of dennis banks.through that connection i was lucky enough to go down to the rooms after training at victoria park and meet the players.it was an amazing experience for me,peter daicos was my hero.the trip was capped off by the grand final win.unfortunately i never saw a live game at vic park.another highlight was being at the 2011 prelim victory over the hawks with my son.he was so excited at the big trip and a full house at the G.And so a new generation of collingwood fan comes.though not from the collingwood area ive always felt an affinity with the working class ethos of our club and whenever the magpie army visits sydney i feel right at home behind the goals at anz stadium .cheers jonnymagpie
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Post by alanhall »

I started following the Pies I reckon from about the first year of primary school and it was based on my dad barracking for them. In my household, my parents were collingwood (dad), carlton (mum)....I know I know...It's hard to remember why exactly I chose to follow dad, but I think that my brother (a year younger) and I thought it would be good to follow the team of each of our parents.
It probably wasn't as elaborate as that given we would have only been about 4 or 5 respectively...but as you have probably worked out by now...my brother is on the EVIL side *lol*..and he is very much a passionate supporter of his club, as I am of the Pies.
I asked my dad why he followed the Pies, given he was born in England and moved out here in his late teens, and he said that when he was working on a building site one of the blokes whom he worked with introduced him to the Pies. Given they wore black and white stripes, like his hometown Soccer team of Newcastle United it became a natural fit.
Like some others on this forum, I have thought about what would have happened if I didn't support the Pies...if as a kid I chose to barrack for Carlton to support my mum. But in those moments a cold shiver runs down my spine and I tell myself never ever to think those thoughts ever again.
I love the Pies, I love the passion of the fans...we have the best fans without doubt in the entire league. We cop a lot of crap from the others, but when I am at a game and the Collingwood chant echoes around the MCG I can't help but smile as I soak it in and think...how lucky am I.
Go Pies :)
Last edited by alanhall on Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HAL »

Okay, your brother is on the EVIL side *lol* .
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Post by sixpoints »

I've always been Collingwood. My dad grew up in Abbotsford and he went every week. When he was young his uncle(my great uncle) played for the Pies. My great uncle even made it into a Premiership side during the "Machine" four in a row years. My dad even had the good sense to marry a fellow Pies supporter in my mum. Sadly my dad passed when I was very young, and I never got the chance to go with him to a game. However from the age of around 8-9, I would accompany an asssortment that could include my brother, uncle, cousins, friends on any given week and away we would go.
The first game I can remember in any clarity is v Carlton at Princes Park in 1969. I was 8. I remember, the enormous crowd, the noise, the fact that seeing anything took a huge effort and that we won. I can't recall a moment of being hooked, it just became a part of being - you just went to see Collingwood EVERY Saturday. It was what we did. From 1969-1982 I don't recall missing a game. Thommo, McKenna, Price, Greening, Twiggy, the Richos, then Carman, Moore, Kink, Picken, Ronny W.
Always in front of the scoreboard at home. Arrive at half time of the twos, find 6 tinnies and an empty beer carton. Stand the tinnies up inside the carton and then up you go- bingo! what a sight!
Saw the Grannies of 70, 77, 79, 80 & 81. Wont comment on those ad its pretty obvious the pain that was felt. Games I remember more than most - v Carlton 70 at home (spanked them & 100 goals to McKenna), Tuddy's return v Ess 72 (spectators on top of Rush stand, run through banners ripped down before the teams come out, Ess cheer squad floggers set on fire), Moorabbin 72, we were on the fence only 50 metres from where Greening was hit, but none of us saw anything. Carman's 11 v St Kilda in 75, the Prelims of 79, 80 & 81. Games that really hurt besides the GF's - 75 Elim we lost to Rich by 5 points. We were storming all over them after being well behind. Their aggressive cocky supporters were giving it to us all day - "colliwobbles" but they shut right up as we surged back. We finished just short, and they started up again - "colliwobbles, weak as piss etc" I still hate Richmond with a vengeance.
My brother and his mate eventually got jobs as ushers in the Sherrin Stand. I tagged along and got a job there too. Greatest job in the world, putting people into seats, 90% of whom had the same seat every week. All we did was generally look busy, but once the game started we had the best spot in the ground. Standing in the aisles ( blue coats on) watching the game. The best part was racing to grab the balls as they came through the goals. One funny story was v Ess in 82 or 83. A close game in the last quarter and we score a point. My brother is first to the ball and the Ess full back is expecting him to toss it straight to him. Instead he punts it 40m away towards the
Social Club. I think it was Garry Foulds and he was furious, but we pissed ourselves laughing as did many in the Sherrin Stand.
I left Melbourne due to work on the early 80's and returned in late 90's. So I had a good 15 years where I only made about 5 games a year. (was not in Melbourne for 1990). But im back on again and have basically gone to every Melbourne based game since 2000. I reckon it took to around my 500th game (including 8 previous GF's) to finally be present at a premiership in
It has always been a huge part of my life and it will always remain so.

I moved from Melbourne in 83 due to work

on fire), Greening
Last edited by sixpoints on Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by magirl »

Admit to not yet reading all of the posts here. But I intend to.
I met my husband in 1979. I was a Sydney girl and devoted fan of the Parramatta eels, we were die hard tragics, listened to games at weddings in the church. He was a Melbourne born boy and devoted Collingwood from birth fan. His second cousin was CEO of the AFL t the time and had played for Collingwood. He had several members of his family who had played for the black and white and some had played for Geelong. All of his family bar his sister (who tragically is a Geelong supporter) are true blue pies. He would take me to games and try very hard to convince me about AFL and in particular the Collingwood football club. I fought the AFL for a few years, but soon learned how much I preferred the AFL game to league and the physique of the AFL players. It did not take me long to become probably almost more devoted to the pies than my tragically devoted boyfriend to become my husband with whom I just celebrated my 30th wedding anniversary. My dear husband and I were born in 1960. He had never seen Collingwood win a premiership until 2010. We were standing on a picnic table in the middle of the night in 1990 trying to pick up shortwave radio and hear the game as we were in Charleston South Carolina. WE did not know who had won that time until we rang his family and they played Good old Collingwood forever over the phone. They sent us a video of the game. This was pre internet. It was in PAL not the system used in USA so after much investigation and money we found a TV station we paid to convert the tape to a format we could watch. In 2010 we initially missed out on tickets to the GF as we were interstate members. We managed to get tickets to the GF for the replay and the most special moments were the tears running down my husband's face as the premiership was won. I had my husband, two of my children, my brother and his wife and friends and we celebrated all night. One of the best moments of my life. We are currently living in Kuala Lumpur, but still hope to make it to a few games this year and maintain our membership.
I hope to retire soon to Melbourne so that I can go to more of the games.
My children are as fie hard as us and we are expecting the first of our grandchildren soon to hopefully continue to follow the the pies.
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Post by rumanu »

Collingwood FC Forever
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Post by surfer1 »

I was born in Ararat and the district was all Collingwood. Everyone followed Collingwood my original idol was Barry Price what a stab kick. As I got older the blood and fervour grew to what it is now. I live in Sydney and my following of Collingwood has never wavered even having Craig Bolton as my neigbour.
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Post by Greening gold »

buzzlightyear wrote: " Of course, Rosa, whom I later met that day, cushioned the blow."

Hey buzz, I hope you wiped the cushion afterwards. (':wink:')
If you used to barrack for the 'Pies, you never barracked for the 'Pies.
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Remembering back to the 70s Pies after emigrating

Post by lazzadesilva »

LaurieHolden wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:33 am
Funny thing is that I can’t remember what I had for lunch yesterday but can remember Collingwood players names since 1972 when I started barracking for them after the family emigrated to Australia from Sri Lanka.
I memorised the numbers from the footy record which I religiously bought every week.
Often I would ask my brother or mates to test me and most of the time I would get it right.
I term the current Collingwood attack based strategy “Unceasing Waves” like on a stormy and windy day with rough seas. A Perfect Storm ☔️
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